Financial Wellness Basics Class
This course reviews the basics of a strong financial foundation. You're taken through establishing your money values and goals, savings for an emergency fund, and taking care of debt and credit.
Financial Wellness Basics Introduction
Pre-Class Survey
Money, Values, and Goals Section 1
Activity: Your Financial Values
Money, Values, and Goals Section 2
Activity: Exploring Your Needs and Wants
Money, Values, and Goals Section 3
Activity: S.M.A.R.T. goal practice
Budgeting and Tracking Section 1
Budgeting and Tracking Section 2
ACTIVITY: What tracking method will you commit to using?
Emergency Fund Section 1
Activity: How will you grow your emergency fund?
Emergency Fund Section 2
Debt and Credit Section 1
Debt and Credit Section 2
Activity: Test Your Knoweledge
Class Complete - Made with Clipchamp
Post-Class Survey